I am not sure about you, but I for one am very excited about 2010. The start of a new year is always a good excuse to wipe the slate clean and start fresh. So, that is what I am going to do. Well, I am not going to completely start fresh, because there are things that are great that I would like to keep. But, I am going to wipe clean on all the things that have been crummy or so-so, and make room for great things in my life.
At the moment, there are hundreds of different ideas swirling around in my brain about things to change, try and master in 2010. Things like eating less junk food, completing my 'to do' lists when I create them, send people birthday cards on time in the mail, etc etc. And luckily, there are already things in my life that I am consistently doing that I don't need to make a New Years Resolution (such as going to the gym consistently...YAY ME!). My plan for 2010 is to have small, tangible goals that I can easily achieve, as well as bigger developmental ones that I can work on over longer periods of time.
Here are some goals I plan on achieving in 2010"
-have better posture
-send birthday cards & other special occasion cards to people via USPS and make sure they are sent on time!
-take more pictures!
-plant an herb garden
-complete to do lists in a timely fashion (because I am really good at making them!)
-Stay organized and keep all important information, lists, notes, etc in one place!
-eat more fruits & veggies
-have more date night with my boyfriend
-be a consistent blogger!
Well, that looks like a lot now that I put them down on paper (er-website) but I think they can all be achieved as long as I focus! Like, right now, I am sitting up straight with good posture while I type this. Go me!! I figure that I can keep everyone updated on how my goals are going through my blog since I will be doing this on a more consistent basis.
2010 is going to be a great year for everyone- I am excited to share this journey with everyone here and in my life!